High quality services for all Yukoners form a key part of the Government mandate: “We will help Yukoners lead healthy, productive, happy lives through accessible, integrated programs and services tailored to their needs.”
In order to maintain its high quality services to all of its residents, the Yukon Government wanted to improve the way it involved the public providing input on government initiatives.
In November 2017, Harmonesse partnered with the Yukon Government to work with 30 people across 11 ministries to create a set of recommendations for a Service Improvement initiative aimed at discovering how they might exceed citizen expectations with services that make everyone proud to be Yukoners?
From a series of team workshops, a tangible plan was created for Service Improvement across the Yukon Government. Consistency is key across digital, physical, and human channels in order to successfully tailor them to citizens’ needs. Simpler and faster services are much more of a possibility when teams adopt a user-centred design approach, and in an ideal future state, Service Improvement would bring clear measurable benefits for everyone.
A few of the benefits would be automating admin-focused tasks, standardization across platforms, accurate measurement, and increased citizen trust and confidence.
Building capacity and capability in user-centred design doesn’t happen overnight, hence one of Harmonesse's guiding principles is ‘start small and simple’. Since new resources are unlikely, Harmonesse's focus has been on how to develop internal capabilities. The plan had a whole host of pragmatic recommendations, including: creating a Service Improvement playbook, training the trainer program, prioritizing services, and starting with small projects that span multiple channels.
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